Kargo taşıma hizmeti alınacaktır
- İhale Kayıt No: 2023/910970
- İhale Türü: Kiralama ve Hizmet Alımı
- İhale Usulü: 4734 Sayılı KİK, Açık İhale Usulü
- İhale ve Teklif Açma Tarihi: 03.10.2023 10:30
- İlan Türü: İHALE
Cargo transportation services will be procured by Anadolu University Revenue Management Enterprise through open tender procedure in accordance with Article 19 of the Public Procurement Law No. 4734, and offers will only be accepted electronically through EKAP (Public Procurement Platform). Detailed information regarding the tender is provided below:
Tender Number: 2023/910970
The Administration: a) Name: Anadolu University Revenue Management Enterprise b) Address: Yunusemre Campus, 26470 TEPEBAŞI/ESKİŞEHİR c) Phone and fax number: 2223304303 - 2223307163 d) Website where the tender document can be viewed and downloaded using e-signature: https://ekap.kik.gov.tr/EKAP/
Subject of the Tender: a) Name: Cargo Transportation b) Nature, type, and quantity: (3 Items) Domestic Cargo Shipment Services. Detailed information can be found in the administrative specifications within the tender document available on EKAP. c) Place of performance/delivery: Anadolu University Revenue Management Directorate and affiliated units; Computer Research and Application Center (BAUM), Open Education Faculty, and Continuous Education Application and Research Center Directorate (ANADOLUSEM) d) Duration/delivery date: Start date of work: 24.10.2023, end date of work: 30.06.2024 e) Start date of work: 24.10.2023
Tender Details: a) Tender (deadline for submission of bids) date and time: 03.10.2023 - 10:30 b) Meeting place of the tender commission (address where e-bids will be opened): Anadolu University Revenue Management Directorate, Rectorate Building, Room No. 408, Yunusemre Campus, 26470 Tepebaşı, Eskişehir
Eligibility Criteria and Required Documents for Participation in the Tender and Criteria for Qualification Assessment: 4.1. Bidders must declare the following documents and qualification criteria, as well as non-price elements, within their e-bids in order to participate in the tender: 4.1.2. Information proving the authority to submit a bid; For legal entities, information regarding the officials in charge of the management of the bidders, as well as information about partners and their share ratios (excluding publicly traded shares)/members/founders, will be obtained by the administration from EKAP. 4.1.3. Offer letter in the form and content specified in the Administrative Specifications. 4.1.4. Information on the temporary guarantee specified in the Administrative Specifications. 4.1.5. The entire tender or a part of it cannot be subcontracted to subcontractors. 4.2. Documents related to economic and financial adequacy and the criteria that these documents must meet have not been specified by the administration. 4.3. Documents related to professional and technical competence and the criteria that these documents must meet have not been specified by the administration.
The most economically advantageous bid will be determined solely based on price.
The tender is open to both domestic and foreign bidders.
The tender document can be viewed on EKAP free of charge. However, those who will submit a bid must download the tender document from EKAP using e-signature.
After being prepared electronically on EKAP, bids must be signed with e-signature and sent via EKAP along with the e-key related to the bid to the tender date and time.
Bidders must submit their offers in the form of unit prices based on the total amount obtained by multiplying the quantity of each work item by the unit prices proposed for these work items. A unit price contract will be signed with the bidder who is awarded the tender.
In this tender, bids will be submitted for the entire work.
Bidders must provide a temporary guarantee in an amount determined by themselves, which shall not be less than 3% of the bid amount.
No electronic auction will be held in this tender.
The validity period of the offers is 60 (sixty) calendar days from the tender date.
Consortiums cannot submit bids for this tender.
Other matters:
- Limit Value Coefficient (R) to be Applied in the Tender: Other Services/0.71
- Evaluation Method for Abnormally Low Bids: Bids below the limit value will be rejected without requesting an explanation.
Bu ilan özeti Kamu Zeka tarafından yapay zeka kullanılarak oluşturulmuştur. İlanın orjinaline ilan.gov.tr veya ilgili kurumun sitesinden ulaşabilirsiniz. İlanın orjinalindeki bilgileri kontrol ediniz. Kamu Zeka, bu hizmeti ücretsiz sunar ve ilanlardaki yazım hatalarından sorumlu değildir. Kamu Zeka'nın herhangi bir kamu kuruluşuyla ilişkisi yoktur.